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How The Coronavirus May Effect Heating Oil
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Due to the current COVID 19 crisis, deliveries and operational functions may face possible delays or disruption.
The health of operators and staff are our main priority to ensure that an effective service is maintained.
The HomeFuels Direct team are working tirelessly to address any of your queries or concerns and to ensure that we keep your deliveries moving as quickly and as safely as possible.
If you are required to self isolate due to the virus, you can still get heating oil delivered to your home. You don't need to be in when it's delivered and you won't need to come into contact with anyone during delivery if you are home.
Thank you for your loyal custom and understanding during these unprecedented times.
HomeFuels Direct Management

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How The Coronavirus May Effect Heating Oil
Due to the current COVID 19 crisis, deliveries and operational functions may face possible delays or disruption.
The health of operators and staff are our main priority to ensure that an effective service is maintained.
The HomeFuels Direct team are working tirelessly to address any of your queries or concerns and to ensure that we keep your deliveries moving as quickly and as safely as possible.
If you are required to self isolate due to the virus, you can still get heating oil delivered to your home. You don't need to be in when it's delivered and you won't need to come into contact with anyone during delivery if you are home.
Thank you for your loyal custom and understanding during these unprecedented times.
HomeFuels Direct Management

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