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- Country Living Part 2...Energy Saving Tips
Just to quickly recap, in the first Country Living blog I talked mainly about oil fired boilers, giving some useful tips for saving energy and preserving your home heating oil. Well now I am back again, this time with even more cost-effective ideas that can be put to use in your homes in order for you to save some of those precious pounds and pennies!
[fulltext] =>
Can you feel that draught?
One of the main problems behind fuel wastage, especially in older single glazed homes, is the common issue of keeping out the cold. Some simple ways to stop the cold from spreading throughout your house are to make sure that doors are kept shut and both blinds and curtains remain drawn. Draught proof your home as much as possible to stop the cold air from getting in as well as preventing the hot air from getting out! If you have a few irritatingly draughty windows then may I suggest applying a few sticky strips from a DIY store, however professional insulation may need to be considered if you are experiencing considerable heat loss.
Don’t let the warmth out!
Without adequate insulation your home is almost guaranteed to become subject to heat loss. The winter months are definitely the worst for this and will cause you to consume a lot more of your fuel if your house is not properly insulated. Heat can escape from all areas of a building, but here are the statistics for average heat loss within a typical home,
Walls – 35%
Roof – 25%
Draughts – 15%
Floor – 15%
Windows – 10%
These figures show just how important it is to have adequately insulated homes.
Without a doubt, these tips will save your fuel supplies, however here are a couple of extra little tips that can also help to reduce your other energy usage.
Remember to switch off plugs and sockets when not in use! Energy saving plugs and timers are available for plug points that are hard for you to reach.
Switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) is an excellent idea, as CFLs use 75% less energy and also last up to ten times as long. Advancements in technology now allow for them to reach full brightness almost instantaneously. Well hopefully now you may be able to conserve more of your heating oil and save on a few extra pounds through the year!! Be sure to watch this space for more useful tips and information relevant to all you home heating oil users!
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Just to quickly recap, in the first Country Living blog I talked mainly about oil fired boilers, giving some useful tips for saving energy and preserving your home heating oil. Well now I am back again, this time with even more cost-effective ideas that can be put to use in your homes in order for you to save some of those precious pounds and pennies!
Can you feel that draught?
One of the main problems behind fuel wastage, especially in older single glazed homes, is the common issue of keeping out the cold. Some simple ways to stop the cold from spreading throughout your house are to make sure that doors are kept shut and both blinds and curtains remain drawn. Draught proof your home as much as possible to stop the cold air from getting in as well as preventing the hot air from getting out! If you have a few irritatingly draughty windows then may I suggest applying a few sticky strips from a DIY store, however professional insulation may need to be considered if you are experiencing considerable heat loss.
Don’t let the warmth out!
Without adequate insulation your home is almost guaranteed to become subject to heat loss. The winter months are definitely the worst for this and will cause you to consume a lot more of your fuel if your house is not properly insulated. Heat can escape from all areas of a building, but here are the statistics for average heat loss within a typical home,
Walls – 35%
Roof – 25%
Draughts – 15%
Floor – 15%
Windows – 10%
These figures show just how important it is to have adequately insulated homes.
Without a doubt, these tips will save your fuel supplies, however here are a couple of extra little tips that can also help to reduce your other energy usage.
Remember to switch off plugs and sockets when not in use! Energy saving plugs and timers are available for plug points that are hard for you to reach.
Switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) is an excellent idea, as CFLs use 75% less energy and also last up to ten times as long. Advancements in technology now allow for them to reach full brightness almost instantaneously. Well hopefully now you may be able to conserve more of your heating oil and save on a few extra pounds through the year!! Be sure to watch this space for more useful tips and information relevant to all you home heating oil users!
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Country Living Part 2...Energy Saving Tips
Just to quickly recap, in the first Country Living blog I talked mainly about oil fired boilers, giving some useful tips for saving energy and preserving your home heating oil. Well now I am back again, this time with even more cost-effective ideas that can be put to use in your homes in order for you to save some of those precious pounds and pennies!
Warning: Undefined variable $articlectaText in /home/homefuels/public_html/templates/2019_HFD/html/com_content/article/default.php on line 50