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stdClass Object ( [id] => 92 [asset_id] => 142 [title] => Free Heating Oil Boilers [alias] => free-heating-oil-boilers [introtext] =>

We've recently partnered with a leading heating oil boiler installation company and in some circumstances we can offer free boiler replacements!

4 min read

[fulltext] =>

Boiler Ollie

Free Boiler Replacements

If your boiler is 8 years old or more you may be eligible for a grant under the new ECO scheme for landlords, tenants and privately owned properties. This grant offers either a totally free replacement boiler or a massive subsidy to support your change.

These new grants are being offered as the UK Government works to meet Carbon reduction plans and reach the 2020 comitments that have been made. When replacing an old heating oil boiler there are two key benefits; a massive reduction in carbon output and also a reduction in your heating oil bill!

The funds for this programme are limited so make sure you get in touch as soon possible!


How to get your free boiler:

We've put together a great new page where you can apply for your heating oil boiler grant. Simply input your details into the form and one of our specialists will be in touch to guide you through the process!


Apply Now

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter using the links below to get the most up to date HomeFuels Direct and heating oil news:

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Learn about the dramatic 2016 price increase and what we predict could happen in 2017. 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Boiler Ollie

Free Boiler Replacements

If your boiler is 8 years old or more you may be eligible for a grant under the new ECO scheme for landlords, tenants and privately owned properties. This grant offers either a totally free replacement boiler or a massive subsidy to support your change.

These new grants are being offered as the UK Government works to meet Carbon reduction plans and reach the 2020 comitments that have been made. When replacing an old heating oil boiler there are two key benefits; a massive reduction in carbon output and also a reduction in your heating oil bill!

The funds for this programme are limited so make sure you get in touch as soon possible!


How to get your free boiler:

We've put together a great new page where you can apply for your heating oil boiler grant. Simply input your details into the form and one of our specialists will be in touch to guide you through the process!


Apply Now

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter using the links below to get the most up to date HomeFuels Direct and heating oil news:

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Boiler Ollie

Free Boiler Replacements

If your boiler is 8 years old or more you may be eligible for a grant under the new ECO scheme for landlords, tenants and privately owned properties. This grant offers either a totally free replacement boiler or a massive subsidy to support your change.

These new grants are being offered as the UK Government works to meet Carbon reduction plans and reach the 2020 comitments that have been made. When replacing an old heating oil boiler there are two key benefits; a massive reduction in carbon output and also a reduction in your heating oil bill!

The funds for this programme are limited so make sure you get in touch as soon possible!


How to get your free boiler:

We've put together a great new page where you can apply for your heating oil boiler grant. Simply input your details into the form and one of our specialists will be in touch to guide you through the process!


Apply Now

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter using the links below to get the most up to date HomeFuels Direct and heating oil news: