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[title] => Making HomeFuels Direct #TheEasier Way
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“It's not what we say but what we do that counts; our customer service record is incredibly important to us and we're proud to be a Feefo Gold Trusted Merchant. Our main mission as a business is to make the process for ordering heating oil the easiest in the business, and we're passionate about it. We want our customers’ journey to be as simple as our mantra: ‘Just click, compare, quick-quote, order and relax’.
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‘We're working hard to make HomeFuels Direct #TheEasierWay for our customers’
Chris Bicknell, Managing Director of HomeFuels Direct, explores the company’s dedication to making life easier for their customers.
“It's not what we say but what we do that counts; our customer service record is incredibly important to us and we're proud to be a Feefo Gold Trusted Merchant. Our main mission as a business is to make the process for ordering heating oil the easiest in the business, and we're passionate about it. We want our customers’ journey to be as simple as our mantra: ‘Just click, compare, quick-quote, order and relax’.
Here are some of the ways we're currently making HomeFuels Direct #TheEasierWay to order heating oil for our customers. is mobile friendly!
Click – one site for all of your heating oil needs
Click through to our store and you can order from our range of fuel additives, oil tanks, oil security products and even boiler insurance. We offer one of the widest ranges of heating oil accessories in the UK, making us #TheEasierWay for all of your heating oil needs.
Compare – spend less time shopping around
On our site we offer a price comparison graph showing exactly where our price is compared to our competitors. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the best value, so before you order you can simply compare our pricing to others in the market-place. Easy.
Quick Quote – your quote made easier
Our heating oil quick quote function is a simple, easy and efficient way to get your price. Just enter your quantity and postcode and we’ll generate an immediate quote for you. There’s no long forms to fill in and no need to pick up the phone.
Order – no time-consuming form filling
Our smart ordering system means that you don't have to enter your details every time, we remember them for you. It’s another way we’re make the ordering process easier, quicker and smarter.
Relax – #TheEasierWay to hassle free delivery
Once you have ordered we'll update you on your order progress to keep you in the loop and you don't have to be there when your oil is delivered. It’s hassle free delivery,
meaning that all you have to do is relax.
We're constantly looking for new ways of improving our customer experience on our ever evolving quest towards #TheEasierWay. We will be keeping you updated as we introduce new initiatives, and look forward to your continued custom and feedback.”

Chris Bicknell, Managing Director
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‘We're working hard to make HomeFuels Direct #TheEasierWay for our customers’
Chris Bicknell, Managing Director of HomeFuels Direct, explores the company’s dedication to making life easier for their customers.
“It's not what we say but what we do that counts; our customer service record is incredibly important to us and we're proud to be a Feefo Gold Trusted Merchant. Our main mission as a business is to make the process for ordering heating oil the easiest in the business, and we're passionate about it. We want our customers’ journey to be as simple as our mantra: ‘Just click, compare, quick-quote, order and relax’.
Here are some of the ways we're currently making HomeFuels Direct #TheEasierWay to order heating oil for our customers. is mobile friendly!
Click – one site for all of your heating oil needs
Click through to our store and you can order from our range of fuel additives, oil tanks, oil security products and even boiler insurance. We offer one of the widest ranges of heating oil accessories in the UK, making us #TheEasierWay for all of your heating oil needs.
Compare – spend less time shopping around
On our site we offer a price comparison graph showing exactly where our price is compared to our competitors. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the best value, so before you order you can simply compare our pricing to others in the market-place. Easy.
Quick Quote – your quote made easier
Our heating oil quick quote function is a simple, easy and efficient way to get your price. Just enter your quantity and postcode and we’ll generate an immediate quote for you. There’s no long forms to fill in and no need to pick up the phone.
Order – no time-consuming form filling
Our smart ordering system means that you don't have to enter your details every time, we remember them for you. It’s another way we’re make the ordering process easier, quicker and smarter.
Relax – #TheEasierWay to hassle free delivery
Once you have ordered we'll update you on your order progress to keep you in the loop and you don't have to be there when your oil is delivered. It’s hassle free delivery,
meaning that all you have to do is relax.
We're constantly looking for new ways of improving our customer experience on our ever evolving quest towards #TheEasierWay. We will be keeping you updated as we introduce new initiatives, and look forward to your continued custom and feedback.”

Chris Bicknell, Managing Director
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