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stdClass Object ( [id] => 49 [asset_id] => 95 [title] => Security Reminders! [alias] => security-reminders [introtext] =>

Now it is easy for most heating oil owners to fall victim to crimes of oil theft if necessary security precautions are not put in place.  Yes, it’s always a good idea to prepare your defences, enhance your security measures and remain steps ahead of any unwanted oil thieves! 

[fulltext] =>

For a detailed summary on oil tank security, the effects and procedures, take a look at out our previous blogs entitled:

Oil Security Problems, Tighter Security! Part 1... and Tighter Security! Part 2.

Here are some important reminders that will help you with your oil tank security, strengthening not only your defences but also by giving you that extra piece of mind. 

First if all it would be a good idea to get some home insurance sorted for your oil and oil tank in case anything does happen to them. 

You should keep your oil tank locked up and out of sight from any potential thieves. 

Keep wheelie bins well clear of any walls or fences as thieves can use them to climb into your property.  Cover up any holes or gaps in fences and walls that display your oil tank if looked through. 

Use defensive planting by placing things like prickly rose bushes and holly around your fuel tank.  This will help to deter thieves, as they won’t want to leave any DNA behind.

You can fit CCTV, security lights and special tank alarms for more advanced protection methods.  Digital recordings are great in case you need to hand evidence to police. 

Lastly you should always keep an eye on your fuel supply and monitor how much you have in case of any sudden drops.  Also remember to turn off the boiler when you are not using it and to secure your control switches!

Well oil will always interest thieves that’s a fact, so it’s definitely the right idea to keep on top of your security and remove any advantages a thief may have.  If you are experiencing oil thefts in your area then it may also be a useful idea to start a neighbourhood watch committee and look out for one another. 

[state] => 1 [catid] => 9 [created] => 2015-09-08 10:44:28 [created_by] => 61 [created_by_alias] => [modified] => 2019-08-13 11:21:29 [modified_by] => 61 [checked_out] => [checked_out_time] => [publish_up] => 2015-09-08 10:44:28 [publish_down] => [images] => {"image_intro":"images\/oil-tank-behind-bush.JPG","float_intro":"right","image_intro_alt":"oil tank behind bush","image_intro_caption":"Keep oil thieves at bay by staying on top of your home security defences","image_fulltext":"images\/oil-tank-behind-bush.JPG","float_fulltext":"right","image_fulltext_alt":"oil tank behind bush","image_fulltext_caption":""} [urls] => {"urla":false,"urlatext":"","targeta":"","urlb":false,"urlbtext":"","targetb":"","urlc":false,"urlctext":"","targetc":""} [attribs] => {"article_layout":"","show_title":"","link_titles":"","show_tags":"","show_intro":"","info_block_position":"","info_block_show_title":"","show_category":"","link_category":"","show_parent_category":"","link_parent_category":"","show_associations":"","show_author":"","link_author":"","show_create_date":"","show_modify_date":"","show_publish_date":"","show_item_navigation":"","show_icons":"","show_print_icon":"","show_email_icon":"","show_vote":"","show_hits":"","show_noauth":"","urls_position":"","alternative_readmore":"","article_page_title":"","show_publishing_options":"","show_article_options":"","show_urls_images_backend":"","show_urls_images_frontend":""} [version] => 7 [ordering] => [metakey] => oil theft uk, heating oil theft uk, heating oil security, heating oil security alarms, heating oil tank security, defensive planting [metadesc] => Is you're heating oil secure from oil thieves? Security reminders, top tips and advice for keeping you're home heating oil safe and protected [access] => 1 [hits] => 4436 [metadata] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [robots] => [author] => [rights] => [xreference] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator:protected] => . ) [featured] => 0 [language] => * [featured_up] => [featured_down] => [category_title] => Heating Oil News [category_alias] => heating-oil-news [category_access] => 1 [category_language] => * [author] => [parent_title] => ROOT [parent_id] => [parent_route] => [parent_alias] => root [parent_language] => * [rating] => [rating_count] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [article_layout] => _:default [show_title] => 1 [link_titles] => 0 [show_intro] => 1 [info_block_position] => 0 [info_block_show_title] => 1 [show_category] => 0 [link_category] => 0 [show_parent_category] => 0 [link_parent_category] => 0 [show_associations] => 0 [flags] => 1 [show_author] => 0 [link_author] => 0 [show_create_date] => 0 [show_modify_date] => 0 [show_publish_date] => 0 [show_item_navigation] => 0 [show_vote] => 0 [show_readmore] => 1 [show_readmore_title] => 0 [readmore_limit] => 100 [show_tags] => 1 [show_icons] => 0 [show_print_icon] => 0 [show_email_icon] => 0 [show_hits] => 0 [record_hits] => 1 [show_noauth] => 0 [urls_position] => 0 [captcha] => [show_publishing_options] => 1 [show_article_options] => 1 [save_history] => 0 [history_limit] => 10 [show_urls_images_frontend] => 0 [show_urls_images_backend] => 1 [targeta] => 0 [targetb] => 0 [targetc] => 0 [float_intro] => left [float_fulltext] => left [category_layout] => _:default [show_category_heading_title_text] => 1 [show_category_title] => 0 [show_description] => 1 [show_description_image] => 0 [maxLevel] => 1 [show_empty_categories] => 0 [show_no_articles] => 1 [show_subcat_desc] => 1 [show_cat_num_articles] => 0 [show_cat_tags] => 1 [show_base_description] => 1 [maxLevelcat] => -1 [show_empty_categories_cat] => 0 [show_subcat_desc_cat] => 1 [show_cat_num_articles_cat] => 1 [num_leading_articles] => 0 [num_intro_articles] => 9 [num_columns] => 1 [num_links] => 0 [multi_column_order] => 0 [show_subcategory_content] => 0 [show_pagination_limit] => 1 [filter_field] => hide [show_headings] => 1 [list_show_date] => 0 [date_format] => [list_show_hits] => 1 [list_show_author] => 1 [list_show_votes] => 0 [list_show_ratings] => 0 [orderby_pri] => order [orderby_sec] => rdate [order_date] => created [show_pagination] => 1 [show_pagination_results] => 1 [show_featured] => show [show_feed_link] => 1 [feed_summary] => 0 [feed_show_readmore] => 0 [sef_advanced] => 1 [sef_ids] => 1 [custom_fields_enable] => 1 [show_page_heading] => 0 [layout_type] => blog [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [page_title] => Heating Oil News | Homefuels Direct [secure] => 0 [page_description] => National Heating Oil Delivery ✅ Get the best price for your home heating oil with an instant quote. 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Now it is easy for most heating oil owners to fall victim to crimes of oil theft if necessary security precautions are not put in place.  Yes, it’s always a good idea to prepare your defences, enhance your security measures and remain steps ahead of any unwanted oil thieves! 

For a detailed summary on oil tank security, the effects and procedures, take a look at out our previous blogs entitled:

Oil Security Problems, Tighter Security! Part 1... and Tighter Security! Part 2.

Here are some important reminders that will help you with your oil tank security, strengthening not only your defences but also by giving you that extra piece of mind. 

First if all it would be a good idea to get some home insurance sorted for your oil and oil tank in case anything does happen to them. 

You should keep your oil tank locked up and out of sight from any potential thieves. 

Keep wheelie bins well clear of any walls or fences as thieves can use them to climb into your property.  Cover up any holes or gaps in fences and walls that display your oil tank if looked through. 

Use defensive planting by placing things like prickly rose bushes and holly around your fuel tank.  This will help to deter thieves, as they won’t want to leave any DNA behind.

You can fit CCTV, security lights and special tank alarms for more advanced protection methods.  Digital recordings are great in case you need to hand evidence to police. 

Lastly you should always keep an eye on your fuel supply and monitor how much you have in case of any sudden drops.  Also remember to turn off the boiler when you are not using it and to secure your control switches!

Well oil will always interest thieves that’s a fact, so it’s definitely the right idea to keep on top of your security and remove any advantages a thief may have.  If you are experiencing oil thefts in your area then it may also be a useful idea to start a neighbourhood watch committee and look out for one another. 

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Security Reminders!

Now it is easy for most heating oil owners to fall victim to crimes of oil theft if necessary security precautions are not put in place.  Yes, it’s always a good idea to prepare your defences, enhance your security measures and remain steps ahead of any unwanted oil thieves! 

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oil tank behind bush

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