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[title] => Stock up for Santa!
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With Christmas approaching us at full speed, now is definitely the time to make sure that you are well stocked up on your heating oil. Every year there are people who leave it till the last minute to place their orders, and every year there are people left without heating over the festive period. Harsh weather conditions are often the root cause behind delayed deliveries and sometimes the roads make it impossible for deliveries to be made at all.
[fulltext] =>
My advice to you would be to check your oil tank levels ASAP! If you're running on anywhere near a quarter of a tank full then, the likelihood is that you’re going to need supplies soon! The weather over Christmas is unpredictable and the last thing you want is to be running out of heating for you or the family. Now I appreciate that December has been categorised as the worst month to purchase your oil, but don't allow this to sway your decision of buying if you are in danger of becoming cold!
Consumers can also become reluctant to buy at this time of year due to rising prices, but I can honestly say to you that world oil prices are currently falling and that crude oil is now at its lowest point in four years! So what else can I say but, you’re pockets should be filled with lots of extra change this Christmas, although please remember to get your orders in before the cold weather starts to take over. To be safe I advise that you book your orders now to avoid any possible disappointment, although we will always try our best to reach you on time, there can be no 100% guarantee if the roads are snowed over or dangerously icy! So please listen to my advice and I wish you all the best by hoping that your homes are toasty warm over the joyous but cold holiday season. Have a wonderful Christmas – Chris Bicknell !
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[created] => 2015-07-29 13:12:28
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[modified] => 2019-08-13 11:28:35
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[page_title] => Heating Oil News | Homefuels Direct
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[page_description] => National Heating Oil Delivery ✅ Get the best price for your home heating oil with an instant quote. Easy ordering | Fast & friendly service | UK-wide delivery
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With Christmas approaching us at full speed, now is definitely the time to make sure that you are well stocked up on your heating oil. Every year there are people who leave it till the last minute to place their orders, and every year there are people left without heating over the festive period. Harsh weather conditions are often the root cause behind delayed deliveries and sometimes the roads make it impossible for deliveries to be made at all.
My advice to you would be to check your oil tank levels ASAP! If you're running on anywhere near a quarter of a tank full then, the likelihood is that you’re going to need supplies soon! The weather over Christmas is unpredictable and the last thing you want is to be running out of heating for you or the family. Now I appreciate that December has been categorised as the worst month to purchase your oil, but don't allow this to sway your decision of buying if you are in danger of becoming cold!
Consumers can also become reluctant to buy at this time of year due to rising prices, but I can honestly say to you that world oil prices are currently falling and that crude oil is now at its lowest point in four years! So what else can I say but, you’re pockets should be filled with lots of extra change this Christmas, although please remember to get your orders in before the cold weather starts to take over. To be safe I advise that you book your orders now to avoid any possible disappointment, although we will always try our best to reach you on time, there can be no 100% guarantee if the roads are snowed over or dangerously icy! So please listen to my advice and I wish you all the best by hoping that your homes are toasty warm over the joyous but cold holiday season. Have a wonderful Christmas – Chris Bicknell !
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