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stdClass Object ( [id] => 55 [asset_id] => 102 [title] => When will my heating oil arrive? [alias] => when-will-my-heating-oil-arrive [introtext] =>

It's almost everyone's first question, and with snow on the way or when you've almost ran out its especially important to know. Needless to say, the answer to this question can sometimes make a huge difference!

[fulltext] =>

We're constantly investing in new technologies to both give an accurate picture and keep you up to date and our latest addition takes our market-leading service to new levels. Now you can log in to your account and use your order tracker to give you a live, visual progress update with an estimate of your delivery date as soon as your order is placed, real-time updates of the progress of your order and a confirmed delivery date and times soon afterwards.


Of course we'll email you with a full confirmation as soon as your delivery window details are available and if you have provided your mobile number we'll text you confirming the date, times, even the registration and size of the tanker.

If you have a current order with us click here to give it a try!



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It's almost everyone's first question, and with snow on the way or when you've almost ran out its especially important to know. Needless to say, the answer to this question can sometimes make a huge difference!

We're constantly investing in new technologies to both give an accurate picture and keep you up to date and our latest addition takes our market-leading service to new levels. Now you can log in to your account and use your order tracker to give you a live, visual progress update with an estimate of your delivery date as soon as your order is placed, real-time updates of the progress of your order and a confirmed delivery date and times soon afterwards.


Of course we'll email you with a full confirmation as soon as your delivery window details are available and if you have provided your mobile number we'll text you confirming the date, times, even the registration and size of the tanker.

If you have a current order with us click here to give it a try!



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When will my heating oil arrive?

We're constantly investing in new technologies to both give an accurate picture and keep you up to date and our latest addition takes our market-leading service to new levels. Now you can log in to your account and use your order tracker to give you a live, visual progress update with an estimate of your delivery date as soon as your order is placed, real-time updates of the progress of your order and a confirmed delivery date and times soon afterwards.


Of course we'll email you with a full confirmation as soon as your delivery window details are available and if you have provided your mobile number we'll text you confirming the date, times, even the registration and size of the tanker.

If you have a current order with us click here to give it a try!