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stdClass Object ( [id] => 94 [asset_id] => 144 [title] => #WinterReady Guide Part 2 [alias] => winter-ready-guide-part-2 [introtext] =>

Welcome to Part 2 of the HomeFuels Direct #WinterReady Guide, this month we're focussing on how you can avoid those unexpected costs that often arise over winter.

3 min read

[fulltext] =>

The #WinterReady Guide Part 2

Staying Warm In Winter

Welcome to Part 2 of the HomeFuels Direct #WinterReady Guide, this month we're focussing on how you can avoid those unexpected costs that often arise over winter.

We've put together a few tips that could help you save a small fortune and lower the risk of you being left in the cold!

If you missed Part 1 of our #WinterReady Guide, which was all about how to save money on your heating oil, you can find it here: #WinterReady Guide Part 1

Avoiding Unexpected Costs:

  • Make Sure Your Tank Is Accessible
  • Prevent The Build Up Of Water In Your Tank
  • Service Your Boiler Annually
  • Buy A New Boiler

Our Guide To Avoiding Unexpected Costs

Make Sure Your Tank Is Accessible

Another simple tip is to ensure your heating oil tank is easily accessible, some suppliers charge a fee for redelivery if they deem your tank inaccessible. At busy times this could also mean you'd have to wait days for your heating oil which could put you at risk of running out completely, risking damage to your home heating system and leeaving you in the cold!

Trim down any bushes or plants that are near your tanks access point and check taht there are no obstacles in the path of the delivery driver.

Prevent The Build Up Of Water In Your Tank

Whilst oil won't freeze in your tank over winter there's a risk that water which has built up in your tank could freeze throughout the colder months. This could lead to extensive damage to your boiler and system and could easily become very expensive.

HomeFuelsDirect Water Soaker

Water Soakers are cheap and effective way of reducing the build of water in heating oil tanks, simply lower the soaker into your tank and leave it to asborb any condensation or water contamination.

Service Your Boiler Annually

If you don't look after your boiler correctly it can quickly become inefficient and develop expensive faults. We always recommend investing in having your boiler serviced each year to keep it running as efficiently as possible.

HomeFuels Direct Boiler Servicing

Always use an OFTEC Registered Engineer to carry out your boiler servicing otherwise, you could be at risk of further damage.

Buy A New Boiler

Buying and installing a new heating oil boiler can be very costly, but even more so when the cost is unexpected. If you feel your boiler is on the way out start to put some money aside for a new one and make sure it's replaced before it breaks. It's likely that you'll find your new boiler is must more efficient and will save you money on your heating oil bills!

Ollie Boiler Insurance

The government recently announced a new boiler replacement scheme which could mean that you could get a brand new boiler free of charge. Visit our boiler grants page and find out if you're eligible.

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The #WinterReady Guide Part 2

Staying Warm In Winter

Welcome to Part 2 of the HomeFuels Direct #WinterReady Guide, this month we're focussing on how you can avoid those unexpected costs that often arise over winter.

We've put together a few tips that could help you save a small fortune and lower the risk of you being left in the cold!

If you missed Part 1 of our #WinterReady Guide, which was all about how to save money on your heating oil, you can find it here: #WinterReady Guide Part 1

Avoiding Unexpected Costs:

  • Make Sure Your Tank Is Accessible
  • Prevent The Build Up Of Water In Your Tank
  • Service Your Boiler Annually
  • Buy A New Boiler

Our Guide To Avoiding Unexpected Costs

Make Sure Your Tank Is Accessible

Another simple tip is to ensure your heating oil tank is easily accessible, some suppliers charge a fee for redelivery if they deem your tank inaccessible. At busy times this could also mean you'd have to wait days for your heating oil which could put you at risk of running out completely, risking damage to your home heating system and leeaving you in the cold!

Trim down any bushes or plants that are near your tanks access point and check taht there are no obstacles in the path of the delivery driver.

Prevent The Build Up Of Water In Your Tank

Whilst oil won't freeze in your tank over winter there's a risk that water which has built up in your tank could freeze throughout the colder months. This could lead to extensive damage to your boiler and system and could easily become very expensive.

HomeFuelsDirect Water Soaker

Water Soakers are cheap and effective way of reducing the build of water in heating oil tanks, simply lower the soaker into your tank and leave it to asborb any condensation or water contamination.

Service Your Boiler Annually

If you don't look after your boiler correctly it can quickly become inefficient and develop expensive faults. We always recommend investing in having your boiler serviced each year to keep it running as efficiently as possible.

HomeFuels Direct Boiler Servicing

Always use an OFTEC Registered Engineer to carry out your boiler servicing otherwise, you could be at risk of further damage.

Buy A New Boiler

Buying and installing a new heating oil boiler can be very costly, but even more so when the cost is unexpected. If you feel your boiler is on the way out start to put some money aside for a new one and make sure it's replaced before it breaks. It's likely that you'll find your new boiler is must more efficient and will save you money on your heating oil bills!

Ollie Boiler Insurance

The government recently announced a new boiler replacement scheme which could mean that you could get a brand new boiler free of charge. Visit our boiler grants page and find out if you're eligible.

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Welcome to Part 2 of the HomeFuels Direct #WinterReady Guide, this month we're focussing on how you can avoid those unexpected costs that often arise over winter.

3 min read

Warning: Undefined variable $articlectaText in /home/homefuels/public_html/templates/2019_HFD/html/com_content/article/default.php on line 50

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HomeFuels Direct is part of DCC Energy, of DCC plc.